Saturday, May 8, 2010

Daily Calorie Intake

8oz Rice Milk- 120cal
2tbsp choc syrup- 100cal
1 1/2tbsp rice cereal- 30cal
3/4 cup Fruity Pebbles- 110cal
1 cup popcorn- 55cal
8oz Apple Juice- 110cal
Beanie Weenies- 310 cal
8oz Pediasure- 240 cal
2tbsp choc syrup- 100 cal

total intake-1175 cal

No bad behaviors to report today.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Daily Calorie Intake

8oz Rice Milk- 120 cal
1 1/2 tbsp rice cereal- 30 cal
2 tbsp choc syrup-100 cal
1 pork sausage link-65 cal
8oz apple juice-100 cal
beans and weiners-80 cal
8 oz PediaSure- 240 cal
2 tbsp choc syrup- 100 cal

835 cals (goal is 1400 calories daily)

The Keppra has started causing sleep disturbances in Jayden. He was awake this morning by 5:45 (usually sleeps in until 8:30) and was jumping up and down in his room very loudly. He was also very emotional. Started giving him B6 vitamins today (50mg in am and 50mg in PM). Jayden took a pretty good nap today, probably b/c he was so tired from not sleeping well last night. He also had a BM that was very runny.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Daily calorie intake/behavior record

8oz Rice Milk-120 cal
3tblsp rice cereal-60 cal
2tblsp choc syrup-100 cal
Crispy Rice Bar-110 cal
Juice Box-60 cal
1/4 cup spaghetti sauce-25 cal
2 hotdogs- 240 cal
8 oz apple juice- 110 cal
6 Glutino Crackers-100 cal
1tblsp peanut butter-100 cal
8oz Pediasure-240 cal
2tblsp choc syrup- 100 cal

Total intake-1365

Jayden had 1.5ml of Keppra this morning (in addition to his other seizure meds). He had another 1.5ml of Keppra at 2pm b/c of a seizure he had at school. His pediatrician believes the seizures were b/c of the antibiotic he was on for a staph infection. She believed the antibiotic may have slowed the absorption of his seizure meds, so she decided that his staph was healed enough to discontinue the antibiotic. Jayden has been very hyper, unattentive, and extremely emotional today.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Daily Calorie Intake

1/2 buttermilk pancake-115 cal
1tbsp syrup-235 cal
6oz pediasure-180 cal
apple juice-60 cal
tortilla chips-130 cal
french fries-330 cal
8oz pediasure-240 cal
2tbsp chocolate syrup-100 cal

1390 calories

Back to the online journal

So Jayden's seizures have increased and his nutrition has become a concern. So I need to use this blog to keep track of his behaviors while on Keppra, seizures and triggers, and also to track his daily meals and calorie intake.

He had 1.5ml of Keppra when we got him home from school around noon after being called b/c of a seizure. He went to sleep and is still napping as of 3:45pm. No change in behavior could be noted yet.

I will report his food intake once he's had his dinner for tonight.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Saturday AM

We've been out of town for the past week for Jay's developmental appts, so as a result, we haven't been able to be as strict with his GFCF diet. No bad behaviors were noticed today, but the head banging is more prominent now and he is having a hard time going down for a nap today.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Monday AM

Jay took his prevacid on an empty stomach and waited 20 minutes before drinking his 365 ricemilk with added cereal. He also ate some dry GFCF cheerios. We went to the park to play for 30 minutes and he did not play well with the other kids his age. We went to the movies to see UP and he wore his weighted vest. He only had one outburst that didn't last long at all. He ate lots of popcorn and then came home and went down for a nap without a fuss.